Sunday, October 10, 2010


I am one of the privileged! Every week I have a responsibility to stand before people and tell them what God thinks. I know, I know, preachers around here are a dime a dozen! Well that's true of hypocrites and heretics. I hope that I am neither, but I must admit, I sometimes play the role flawlessly! I am among those God called and set apart men that have the greatest task on earth: to speak God's Words! That is it! Really. That is what my job is, to speak the Word of God as fully and faithfully as humanly possible, and as supernaturally enabled to do so by God's Spirit. A tall order you say. Well that is true. The best of them all once wrote, "who is sufficient for such things?"  Some time ago, I read that "it takes twenty years to prepare a sermon because it takes twenty years to prepare the man." I am not sure that I'll ever be ready, but as the years roll by, I become more and more convinced that I am in the company of the privileged!

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